Monday, June 3, 2013

The Garden Takeover

The 2011 and 2012 gardens were overrun by the tomatillo.  This year, the radishes are running amuck.  Some of the radishes went to seed.  I thought I saved all of the seed heads.  However, it seems as though I missed a few hundred.  There are radishes EVERYWHERE!!!
 I'm working on a "cage" for the strawberries.  The robins absolutely love to eat a small amount out of each berry.  I did manage to pick and freeze a small bag of strawberries that the robins evidently missed.
Speaking of strawberries, the wild strawberries are back.  There are really a lot of them this year.  I guess they are just not sweet enough for the robins though.
Although the pea plants are not very big, there are a few pods on the vines.
I've been harvesting lots of lettuce for my lunches.  I hope to finish planting this week.
So far, I've planted:
45 pepper plants (most from saved seeds)
41 tomato plants (some from saved seeds)
15 broccoli plants (most from seed)
15 eggplants
5 basil plants (from saved seeds)
5 celery plants
1 parsley plant
Squash plants (spaghetti, butternut and zucchini)
cilantro (from saved seeds)
Kale (from saved seeds)
Two really long rows of beans (1 1/2 rows from saved seeds)
Lots of sunflowers from saved seeds
Two rows of peas
Two rows of beets
One row of radishes (before I knew about the take-over)
One row of turnips
Pineapple Sage
Two rows of leeks

Already growing in the garden:
Lots and lots of chives
Lots and lots of garlic
Green onions
Lamb's Quarter

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