Sunday, December 30, 2012

Starting From Scratch Challenge III

The theme of our first challenge was primitive life, understanding where it is that our food comes from. The theme of our second challenge was the life of a settler, surviving with minimal purchased stores over a winter. We will now embark on our third challenge, and endeavor to experience the trials of the Great Depression. The writing is on the wall - participating households know that a crisis is coming. Each will be given 13 months (1/1/13 thru 1/31/14) to gather, hunt, fish, and farm for whatever resources they can. Unlike past challenges, 'urban' collecting will be permitted. Also unlike other challenges, every expense will be included - hunting and fishing licenses, seeds, fertilizer, etc. The only cost exemption (as agreed by the founding participants) will be for canning jar lids. Participating households will track their actual food expenses over this 3-month period. The household with the lowest cost per person per day will be declared the victor. Victory rewards have yet to be established. The challenge will take place over 3 months - February, March, and April 2014. Each participating household will track their actual food expenses for the challenge period.

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