Monday, January 2, 2012


I am blogging all three meals in the same blog today to save time. Breakfast was very simple - no picture to show - just some chicory beverage (I made it a little too weak this time) with some stevia sweetener and blackberry applesauce (no picture available). I'm not too hungry today because I ate last night at 11:30. So the applesauce was plenty.
Day 1 lunch is a salad with lettuce from my indoor garden, beets, carrots, miniscule cherry tomatoes, and freezer pickles with a sweet/sour dressing (from the freezer pickles).

Dinner will consist of a large bowl of vegetable soup which includes chives, garlic, kale, parsley, carrots, turnips, green beans, and three of the small potatoes left from my 10# bag (which I purchased as part of my allowance). I also added a small amount of soup base paste (also from my allowance). I made a huge pot of soup so I'll probably be eating it for 1 meal a day for the rest of the week as I have six containers of soup from this batch. Today will be a little more challenging because the managers are providing lunch and dinner from Panera.

I still have to get together with Mark to grind my wheat and hopefully trade for some cornmeal. Mark - do you have any available time during the upcoming weekend?


  1. Sure I could stop by Saturday AM if that works for you. Or if you would rather me stop by sometime during the week just let me know!

  2. Saturday sounds good - wheat time? I know I made a mistake on the spelling of what but I thought it was appropriate to leave it.

  3. We have a thing at noon so 10AM? If you have a free morning or evening I would be glad to run over earlier.

  4. I'm free all day on Saturday - just let me know what time. Sunday is good as well. Monday I am free until about noon.

  5. Thanks Sharon - I'm looking forward to using the yeast to make some bread.
