Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 13

My mom called today. 'Hello,' I answered, 'did you call to concede?' This is generally how our phone conversations start now.

Breakfast; 4 pancakes, 2 eggs, turkey skin, and bran cereal. I made the pancakes with 1/2 cup bran and 1/2 cup flour. I made a big breakfast because I was cold yesterday. Food helps ward that off.

Lunch; p&c pierogis with tomato sauce, cabbage and noodles. I used the freezer kraut for the cabbage.

Dinner; turkey on a shingle, apple sauce. My wife likes to make chipped beef. I asked her for the recipe and made it substituting turkey meat. It turned out pretty good; I ate it on thin slices of toast.

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1 comment:

  1. What he didn't say is that I responded in my usual way, "Uh NO - are you ready to concede?" I am doing just fine.
